Five days tour to Andasibe-Mantadia National Park

Andasibe-Mantadia National Park

The park opened in 1989. In the beginning, both areas were part of the same humid forest, but due to human activities, they are now divided into two. Due to the park’s proximity to the capital, most tourists to Madagascar schedule a visit to the park into their trip.

Most of these visitors wish to experience the majestic Indri call which is the highlight of the park. The primary forest of Andasibe-Mantadia is dense and gets a significant amount of rain annually. It is covered with lush vegetation just like moss, and fern trees.

Between September and January is when over a hundred species of orchids bloom. Other common plants that grow here are the Ravenala palm tree, pandanus, bamboo, and tambourissa. The park even has trees from which precious wood such as palisander and ebano are made from.

However, the conservation of this area is also faced with threats because of the illegal deforestation as well as the graphite mines inside the park. The animal diversity in the park is quite remarkable. It boasts 15 species of mammals as well as more than 100 bird species.

Many of which are endemic, like the Madagascar yellowbrow, Madagascar baza, Madagascar wagtail, and the Madagascar serpent-eagle. There are also more than 80 amphibians and 50 species of reptiles, among them the Boa Mandira which is the biggest chameleon on the island, and many leaf-tailed geckos.

You can also find a few local fishes swimming in the small rivers as well as hundreds of insects, most notable of which are the extraordinarily colorful and big butterflies. Andasibe National Park is approximately 2 km from the village.

You just need to follow the main road until you reach the entrance where the Park Office is also situated. If you’re the adventurous type, there’s a more challenging route in Mantadia, where you can enjoy a wilder and denser forest with older and taller trees.

On top of that, fewer people go there compared to Andasibe. Mantadia is more or less 15 kilometers north of Andasibe so it’s recommended to rent a car to get there. Four-wheel drive cars are also suggested especially during the rainy season.

For convenience, you can book a vehicle and a guide at the main office. Andasibe and Mantadia are distinct and each has its quality. Andasibe has more of a park-like atmosphere where the animals are used to seeing people around.

You can even get close to them here. It also has an almost flat terrain and the circuits are quite similar. Whereas Mantadia is best suited for visitors looking for a more rugged experience.

Tour Plan

Day 01 Arrive

- Arrive in Antananarivo and check into your hotel

- Take a city tour of Antananarivo, visiting the historic Rova Palace and the Tsimbazaza Zoo

Day 02 Andasibe-Mantadia National Park

- Take a full-day tour to Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, where you can see lemurs and other unique wildlife

- Return to Antananarivo in the evening

Day 03 western part of Madagascar

- Take a full-day tour to the western part of Madagascar, visiting the Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park and the Manambolo Gorge

- Return to Antananarivo in the evening

Day 04 southern part of Madagascar

- Take a full-day tour to the southern part of Madagascar, visiting the Isalo National Park and the local traditional tribes

- Return to Antananarivo in the evening

Day 05 Depart

- Depart Antananarivo for your next destination


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